Bhogali Bihu’s Uruka Celebration Unites Generations in Hajo’s Bamundi Village

Mridul Mazumdar, Hajo, January 14, 2024 – The eagerly anticipated Bhogali Bihu’s Uruka has dawned upon Hajo’s Bamundi village, bringing together people from all walks of life, transcending generations. Uruka, the eve of Bhogali Bihu, is a time-honored celebration marked by communal dinners, where some eagerly await the nighttime feast, while others indulge in daytime meals.
The festive spirit in Hajo mirrors the atmosphere found throughout the state, and in Bamundi, something special unfolded. For the first time, villagers spanning the age spectrum, from children to the elderly, gathered beneath the hayrick to share a meal. Notably, daughters and daughters-in-law were integral parts of this communal gathering.
Around 700 families from Srinagar of Bamundi joined hands, including the vibrant young generation, to feast together under the hayrick. This collective effort, laden with joy, marked a unique and memorable occurrence in the village’s history. The air echoed with songs and laughter as everyone embraced the essence of Bihu Eve, fostering unity and cultural richness.
This unprecedented gathering exemplifies the cultural significance of Bhogali Bihu, not just as a festival but as a communal celebration that strengthens bonds and weaves together the fabric of tradition. The villagers of Bamundi, by embracing this collective spirit, have set a heartwarming precedent for future celebrations.