Minor Girl Raped in Nagaon’s Dhing; Community Calls for Justice

Minor Girl Raped in Nagaon’s Dhing; Found Unconscious on Roadside
Desk Report, August 23, 2024: A grave incident of rape was reported from Dhing in Nagaon district on Thursday. The victim, a class 10 student, was attacked while returning home from her tuition class in the Borbheti area near a Brick Kiln.
The assailants left the young girl unconscious by the roadside after the assault. She lay there for approximately an hour before being discovered by local residents, who immediately alerted the police.
Responding quickly, the police arrived at the scene and transported the victim to the Dhing First Referral Unit (FRU) for urgent medical treatment. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was subsequently referred to Hospital at Nagaon for further treatment.
The brutal nature of the crime has elicited shock and outrage from the community. Residents are calling for prompt action and justice. Authorities have initiated a thorough investigation to locate and apprehend the individuals responsible for this violent crime.
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